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A new future proof circular proces


CMT introduces a revolutionary, future-proof circular process!


Don't Miss The Boat

Circular Maritime Technologies (CMT) introduces a revolutionary and futureproof circular process for the ship breaking industry. CMT is born out of the necessity and urgency of providing a solution to the problem of ship scrapping, which continues to pose risks to people’s health and the environment. We strongly believe that the technology that we have available today offers the opportunity to take humans out of the equation when scrapping a ship. At the CMT yard, no human lives will be put at risk as the ships will be taken out of the water and dismantled by a fully mechanized and automated system.


Solving a big, worldwide problem

There has been a standstill on any kind of major developments over the last 50 years in the ship scrapping industry. CMT has said that if we act, we will act the whole way, until the point where we can say we have achieved our maximum potential. CMT can no longer accept that the ship recycling business exists as it does at present. We want to change it for the better; for people, for the environment and for the world.
And we trust our well thought-out process will have the desirable impact.

CMT will revolutionize ship recycling by delivering clean steel thanks to an automated, low carbon, contained and circular process that does no harm to humans or the environment.
The CMT project will soon launch its proof-of-concept prototype in the Netherlands. Following an innovative and financially very sound business model, CMT will set up yards with international partners and attract business from shipowners by matching the price paid by South Asian competitors.


Single quality virgin steel composition

The CMT yard runs on its own power and produces clean steel, strongly related to green steel production. The yard will reduce the size of the vessel step by step through various automated tools, up to the point where each part of the ship’s steel structure is reduced to many small pieces. The CMT yard will go from a 3D structure to a 2D material package of steel plates. This process is executed quickly and precisely, managed by tailored control tools and software, but overseen by specialized CMT staff.


Supported by well-known partners

The Team consists of CMT Consortium & Partners. With names like Aseco Europe, Damen Shipyards, Enviu, Fluor, Grimbergen Industrial Systems, Huisman Equipment, Jansen Recycling Group, KCI, Sea2Cradle, Sojitz Corporation and Stork we’ll make a jump start with this innovative CMT Yard.